
Browse our Knowledge Base by category.

How To (6)

Step by guides for software backup

Microsoft Software (8)

Links to MS Software and version info

Security (0)

Best practice on security and not so good.

White Papers (1)

In-depth specific topic's highlighting the features of a solution, product, or backup service.

Affiliates (0)

White papers and PDF's to help you sell backup to clients

AntiVirus fixes (1)

Get help with AV setup for the backup.

BackupAddict Software How Too's (4)

How To's with BackupAddict V13 software

Data Recovery (2)

Restore data after restoring

Domain Names (0)

Info On Domain Names

Image Backups (0)

White papers on what Image Backups are and other white papers.

Presentations (0)

Videos on backup and marketing

Problem Software (2)

Software that has problems with BackupAddict V12

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